When we read Cradle to Cradle, we were floored. Here was a philosophy that focused on humans being net positive assets to the planet, like a tree, versus “less bad” like what most environmentalists focus on today. Cradle to Cradle is not anti-carbon, it just believes carbon should be where it belongs – in the soil.
This aligned seamlessly with what we believed, formalizing a way of thinking we couldn’t formalize. So, we’ve embraced it with open arms.
These are the principles they espouse:

This bit really resonated with us. Yes, we are familiar with the fact that nothing is “waste”, but what’s even more important is that different types of waste (or resources) are different types of nutrients and they belong in their own cycles. It does not make sense mixing them up into contradicting composites.

Along with that, Will McDonough and Michael Braungart also conceptualised the “fractal triangle”. They espouse that any Cradle to Cradle product or service should be at the intersection of ecology, economy and equity. We would probably rename “equity” as “equality of opportunity”, but besides that, we are all giddy with synergy.

Cradle to Cradle is a full-fledged movement of sorts. It has an institute in place that certifies products and services as “C2C” compliant and yes, some day we hope to get certified as well.